Documentation of Control Centre Charlois, a solo exhibition in Pallas Projects Studios, Dublin (March 2023) and an other world project space, Rotterdam (December 2022).
Install shot of Is Registration Possible?; video game. 2023.
MONITOR 3: monster march past power box on my doorstep, demonstration taxonomy of the ungovernable, asset store, with bits of Bosch and Preciado; collage, lightbox. 36 x 61 cm. 2022.
MONITOR 1: wanderer above aboveless (loose isomotley chainlink chainmail, public health notices, bins, windows, reflected trees); collage, lightbox. 36 x 61 cm. 2022.
MONITOR 7: no healer. roles / parts / positions, rehearsal for something else; video. 2022.
MONITOR 6: from the murk of the Maas, primordial, politics of random frequencies, from the substance of the dividing line, from a long time spent in character creation, some bilious being emerges; collage, lightbox. 36 x 61 cm. 2023.
MONITOR 2: mounted freelance (Parzifal??) reflecting—cavalier perspective—decision trees, call centre agent see player agency, boredom + anxiety; collage, lightbox. 36 x 61 cm. 2022.
MONITOR 4: Doggerland before and after cataclysm, with Charlois face tat on imagined landscaper and muted text thread, nothing old under the sun; collage, lightbox. 36 x 61 cm. 2022
Originally installed in an other world project space as Coördinatie Centrum Charlois.
Images marked with * by Louis Haugh, 2023.
Is Registration Possible? was kindly supported by an O&O (research & development) subsidy from CBK Rotterdam.