FLAT MATES —Piet Zwart Graduation Show 2017 — Daniel Tuomey
FLAT MATES; 2017; Spruce ply, candles, tee shirt, drawings, tube lights, timber, screws, paint.
Installation views from CROOKED ELBOW, SERPENT BRAIN, Piet Zwart Institute Masters of Fine Art Graduation Show 2017.
Flat Mates; 2017; drawings.
Feeling as big as a house; 2017; performance
(Video documentation by Sol Archer, photo by Aad Hoogendoorn)
Costume for the head of a house; 2017; tee shirt
Flate mates; 2017; drawing
Stairs for an institution; 2017; candle
Sleepwalk; 2017; performance
(Documentation by Tor Jonsson)