The Beatles Monster / The Beatles Machine — Daniel Tuomey
The Beatles Monster/The Beatles Machine; 2018; drawings; 24 x 32 cm.
Content Warning: gendered violence
The Beatles Monster/The Beatles Machine; 2018; Mops, aluminium, guitar stands, cables, speakers, ribbon, cardboard, microphone, tray. Voices of John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr, John Clive, Geoff Hughes, Peter Batten, Paul Angelis, Paul Rudd, Jack Black, Justin Long, Jason Schwartzman, Rob Brydon, Steve Coogan.
Work installed in the group exhibition ‘Sesamstraat’, Gemaal op Zuid, Rotterdam, November 2018.
Curated by GHOST (Natalia Sorzano, Kari Robertson, Madison Bycroft).